Extract from Protocol of Russian Chamber of Trade and Industry Committee’s Sitting

Extract from Protocol of Russian Chamber of Trade and Industry Committee's sitting

dated 10 December 2007



2. On new universal construction and planning structure for large-scale housing construction - proposal of "IICC Group" International Association. Rapporteur - Director General of "IICC" NP, Professor R.O.Sahakyan                                                

Heard: Director General of "IICC" NP, Professor R.O.Sahakyan    

Speakers: Chairman of Committee, Academician of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Ye.V.Basin; Head of Seismic Resistance Laboratory of Central Scientific Research Institute for Building Constructions of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Construction Research Center", Doctor of Engineering, Professor Ya.M.Ayzenberg; First Vice President of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Academician V.A.Ilyichov; First Vice President of Engineering Academy, Doctor of Engineering A.I.Zvezdov; Rector of Trade and Finance Academy, Doctor of Law S.N.Baburin.  


1. Having heard the Proposal of "IICC Group" International Association about large-scale introduction of a New universal construction and planning structure (intellectual property of "IICC Group" International Association) in large-scale housing construction, the Committee points out that:   

The proposed structure allows elaborating new types of 17-25-storey residential buildings for large-scale affordable housing and buildings with 30 and more storeys for "high-rise territories". The novelty, reliability and high safety of such buildings in common and seismic conditions are confirmed by the conclusions of Russian Association for Shock-resistant Construction and Protection against Natural and Technological Impact and Laboratory of Central Scientific Research Institute for Building Constructions of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Construction Research Center" dated 23 November 2007. Extension of access to the staircase and elevator of much more apartments of amplified comfort is ensured as compared to the number of apartments in the traditional, currently used concepts;    

When using the new types of buildings, the volume of the foundation work, as well as the expenditures on engineering communications of the overbuilt micro-district are considerably reduced;

Acquisition of the right to intellectual property use is needed to apply generally available housing in the housing construction on the basis of the New universal construction and planning structure.

Taking into account the topicality of the wide use of effective projects and technologies in the housing and civil construction, the Committee considers it possible to recommend the Russian Ministry for Regional Development, Russian Defense Ministry and other concerned federal and regional bodies of the executive power to consider the new types of buildings on the basis of the proposed construction and planning structure to adopt resolutions on their use in housing construction.     


Chairman of Committee                                         Ye.V.Basin


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